Conference Agenda

All conference events will take place in the UW-Madison Department of Physics  (2nd floor, Chamberlin Hall) unless otherwise indicated (map).  The plenary sessions will be held in 2241 Chamberlin Hall.  All times are Central Standard Time.



3:00-5:00 PM Check-in and (optional) activities, including information tables (APS, IceCube/WIPAC, Wonders of Physics, McNair Scholars, Medical Physics, REU), tours of the UW-Madison Physics Museum, and lab tours:

5:00-6:00 PM Conference begins and welcoming reception/activities

6:00-7:00 PM  Pizza dinner

7-7:15 PM  Welcoming remarks (Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

7:15-8:00 PM  Plenary presentation (Pupa Gilbert, University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Title: “Biomineralization



7:00-8:45 AM Breakfast at hotel and travel to conference site

8:45-9:30 AM Plenary presentation (Sau Lan Wu, University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Title: “A Scientist’s Story — from Vassar College to the Discovery of the Higgs Particle

9:30-10:30 AM Parallel session 1 (session descriptions):

  • LGBTQ+ Round Table (Leaders: Robin Bjorkquist, Cornell; Monica Plisch, APS) — Room 2120
  • Scientific Presentation (Leaders: Rachael Lancor, Edgewood College; Kim Palladino, UW-Madison)  — Room 2116
  • How Do I Enter the Workforce with a Bachelors in Physics/Engineering? (Leader: Maureen Muldoon, UW-Madison) — Room 2104
  • Applying to Graduate Schools and Fellowships (Leaders: Maya Holtzman and Audra Hernandez, UW-Madison) — Room 2223

10:30-11 AM Coffee break
Information tables available: APS, McNair Scholars, NANOGrav, REU

11 AM -12 PM Parallel session 2 (session descriptions):

  • Building Support Networks (supplements (1) (2)) (Leader: Creanna Cote, UW-Eau Claire) — Room 2120
  • Activating Your Best Self For Student Success (Leader: Hazel Symonette, UW-Madison)  — Room 2116
  • Increasing Research Self-Efficacy (Leaders: Monica Plisch, APS; Amber Smith, UW-Madison)  — Room 2108
  • How Do I Enter the Workforce with a Bachelors in Physics/Engineering? (Leader: Maureen Muldoon, UW-Madison) — Room 2104
  • Applying to Graduate Schools and Fellowships (Leaders: Maya Holtzman and Audra Hernandez, UW-Madison) — Room 2223

12-1 PM Lunch and Brief Research Presentations.  Graduate student presenters (in order of presentation):

  • Margo Batie  (Medical Physics, UW-Madison)
  • Alison Roth and Amy Weisman (Medical Physics, UW-Madison)
  • April Yu (Physics, UW-Madison)
  • Katrina Miller (Physics/KICP, University of Chicago)
  • Kristina Islo (Physics, UW-Milwaukee/NANOGrav)
  • Erin Boettcher (Astronomy, UW-Madison)
  • Alyssa Brewer (Materials Science and Engineering, UW-Madison)
  • Ed Leonard (Physics, UW-Madison)
  • Emily Lichko (Physics, UW-Madison)
  • Sarah Mancina (Physics, UW-Madison)

1-2:30 PM APS Keynote Speaker  (Nergis Mavalvala, MIT)

2:30-3:15 PM Plenary presentation (Eileen Pollack, University of Michigan).  Title: “The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boy’s Club”

3:15-3:45 PM Coffee Break
Information tables available: APS, McNair Scholars, NANOGrav, REU

3:45-5:30 PM Career panel.  Panelists:

  • Olivia Castellini (MSI, Chicago)
  • Viktoriya Golovkina (Prism Inc.)
  • Kawtar Hafidi (Argonne National Laboratory)
  • Kerry Kresse (UW-Madison)
  • Rachael Lancor (Edgewood College)
  • Kim Palladino (UW-Madison)
  • Minh-Dan Tran (Chicago High School for the Arts)

5:30-5:45 PM  Travel to Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (WID) and conference photo

5:45-9 PM Conference banquet and student poster session (at the WID)



7:00-8:45 AM Breakfast at hotel and travel to conference site

8:45-9:30 AM Plenary presentation (Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Northwestern University).  Title: “Biomimetic Materials Design by Computer Simulations

9:30-10 AM Coffee break
Information tables available: APS, McNair Scholars, REU

10-11:30 AM Implicit bias workshop (Jenn Sheridan, WISELI, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

11:30-1:00 PM Lunch and Roundtable discussions

1:00-3 PM Professional skills workshop (Kawtar Hafidi, Argonne National Laboratory)

3 PM End of conference